1. Development & Spatial Planning

Municipal concept and strategy

The municipality has binding guiding principles comprising qualified and quantified energy and climate (neutrality) targets for local policies that are in line with or more ambitious than national targets and cover all areas of eea.

The guiding principles are concretized within the framework of a concept which is aligned with medium-term and long-term goals and strategies towards climate neutrality. It contains a quantified pathway for increasing energy sufficiency and efficiency, expanding the share of renewable energies and reducing CO2 emissions.

The municipality conducts regular energy and climate analyses, monitors its defined pathways with suitable quantitative indicators and updates the concept and planning accordingly.

The monitoring includes indicators in the area of (renewable) energy production and consumption (heating/cooling, process energy, electricity and mobility).

The municipality has a climate adaptation strategy and concept that gives concrete shape to its guiding principles. The concept is aligned with medium-term and long-term goals and strategies. The municipality takes appropriate action to face climate change effects, taking into account the sensitivity of the municipal territory. The actions include the monitoring with suitable qualitative and quantitative incicators. The municipality updates the concept and planning accordingly.

The municipality has a strategy/concept for reducing the consumption of resources based on a strategy of

1. avoidance,
2. reuse (2nd hand, repair),
3. recycling and
4. total utilisation of the energy potential and material recovery of non-recyclable materials (waste).

Collection and separation is carried out efficiently (optimal collection logistics). The fees reflect the polluter pays principle.

Municipal planning tools

The municipality has a spatial energy planning that coordinates its future energy supply for its entire territory in accordance with spatial planning and the targets of climate/energy strategy (climate neutrality) and spatial/energy planning.

The municipality has a mobility planning that coordinates the infrastructure on the entire municipal territory for all mobility participants. The planning aims to reduce motorised private transport and to make walking, cycling and public transport attractive. It coordinates its mobility and traffic planning with its spatial planning.

Landowners’ obligations

The building regulations for landowners reflect the municipality’s energy, mobility and spatial planning in keeping with the targets of climate/energy strategy (climate neutrality), spatial/energy planning and mobility/traffic planning.

The municipality ensures that the urban development, architectural projects, competitions and selling or granting of long-term leases for municipal land are in line with its energy, mobility and spatial planning and in keeping with the targets of climate/energy strategy (climate neutrality), spatial/energy planning and mobility/traffic planning.

Building approval & monitoring

The municipality monitors and documents the implementation of legal requirements concerning energy efficiency and renewable energies both when issuing building permits and on-site during the construction process. Non-compliant buildings are rejected.

The municipality monitors and documents the implementation of legal requirements concerning energy efficiency and renewable energies both when issuing building permits and on-site during the construction process. Non-compliant buildings are rejected.