Promoted by: State Ministry Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Project name: eea along the Danube
Project start: 15.02.2022 - 31.8.2024
Partners: 3 partners; lead partner: Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm;
Project budget: 199.965,50 €
Project website: donaubuero.de/en/eaa-along-the-danube/
The main aim of the project "eea along the Danube" is to make the European Energy Award better known in the Danube Region and thus to promote its dissemination and application in the Danube Region. Interested partners from the Danube Region will be introduced to the eea quality management and labelling procedure that is already established in several Danube countries and offers a practice-oriented approach to the topics of climate protection / green deal at the local level. Selected pilot regions in the Danube Region countries will receive individual support in making first steps towards the eea / a local climate and energy policy. In addition, regional, local and transnational networks of different actors are initiated and strengthened in order to jointly exchange experiences, knowledge and strategies regarding the European climate goals.
- To publicise and promote EEA in the Danube Region
- Capacity building of local authorities, partners and institutions with regard to the EEA and the implementation of local climate protection measures.
- Initiate structural development in the participating countries/regions/municipalities; find partners and possible implementers
- Identify pilot countries/regions/municipalities to prepare for independent implementation of the eea.
- Contribution of the selected countries/regions/municipalities to achieving the European climate targets ("Green Deal")
- Contribution to sustainability and environmental protection in the Danube Region
Danube Office Ulm/ Neu-Ulm (DE)
Contact person: Nadja Rapp
Phone: +49-731-880306-18
Email: n.rapp (@) donaubuero.de