Organisation of the European Energy Award
The European Energy Award is organised on three different levels: international, national and local level
International level: Association European Energy Award AISBL
The international non-profit Association European Energy Award, with seat in Brussels, brings together all national eea organisations and various European Energy Award Gold cities and communities as members.
Tasks of the Association eea
The international organisation of the eea is based on the subsidiarity principle - the support of eea cities and communities and the development of the national eea programmes are in the hands of the national eea organisation.
The role of the international Association eea essentially consists of:
- coordinating and harmonising the national developments
- calibrating and assuring the quality of (new) national eea programmes
- maintaining and further developing the eea online platform, the main eea tool
- offering a network and a platform for international exchange of experiences and ideas among national eea programmes and eea Gold cities, municipalities and regions
- support the establishment of new national eea programmes in European countries
- position the eea internationally and linking-up with other international partner initiatives
Board of the Association European Energy Award
- Gudrun Heute-Bluhm, Germany, Chair
- Helmut Strasser, Austria, Vice-Chair, e5 programme
- Gregor Thenius, Austria, e5 programme
- Nicolas Vallée, France, Territoire Engagé Transition Écologique programme
- Roselyne Forestier, France, Territoire Engagé Transition Écologique programme
- Thekla Heinel, Germany, German eea programme
- Sara Moltmann, Germany, German eea programme
- Mariadonata Bancher, Italy, Comune clima programme
- Bruno Barboni, Luxembourg, Klimapakt programme
- Fenn Faber, Luxembourg, Klimapakt programme
- Maren Kornmann, Trägerverein Energiestadt, Switzerland
- Barbara Schwickert, Trägerverein Energiestadt, Switzerland
Members of the Association European Energy Award
- Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME), France
- Agentur für Energie Südtirol-KlimaHaus, Italy
- Alternatives pour l'Energie, les énergies Renouvelables et l'Environnement (AERE), France
- Association "Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine" (EECU), Ukraine
- Association pour la Promotion des Energies Renouvelables (APERe), Belgium
- B. & S.U. Beratungs- und Service Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH, Germany
- Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen (BBL), Belgium
- Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, Bulgaria
- e5 Österreich-Programm für energieeffiziente Gemeinden, Austria
- Energieagentur Tirol GmbH, Austria
- Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, Austria
- Energy agency for Savinjska, Saleska and Koroska region (KSSNA), Slovenia
- eza! energie- & umweltzentrum allgäu gmbh
- Gemeinde Meilen, Switzerland
- KEA Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH
- Klima-Agence G.I.E., Luxemburg
- Landratsamt Enzkreis, Germany
- Métropole et Ville de Brest, France
- Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- MT Partenaires Ingénierie, France
- Principauté de Monaco, Monaco
- Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Energie, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, Germany
- SPES Consulting srl, Italy
- Stadt Bottrop, Germany
- Stadt Luzern, Switzerland
- Trägerverein Energiestadt, Switzerland
- Ville de Besançon, France
- Ville d'Échirolles, France
Working Groups of the Association European Energy Award
Currently, there are two working groups preparing and supporting the discussions of the eea Board:
- Working Group Development & Quality
- Working Group Dissemination
European Energy Award Office
The eea Office is the Executive Office of the Association eea. It is responsible for the daily management and administration of the Association, the coordination and communication among the members and bodies of the Association, quality assurance tasks, the administration and coordination of eea Gold awardings, the organisation of meetings and events and PR and communication activities.
Main eea Office staff:
- Charlotte Spörndli, General Manager
- Ariane Luttenauer, Gold Audits, Events & Administration
- Valentin Graf, Quality Assurance & Tools
National level
The national eea organizations lead and manage the eea programmes on national level. They adapt the eea tools and processes to national conditions so that they perfectly fit to the needs of the local governments. The national eea organizations promote the eea on national level, support local governments by creating a national network of eea cities and municipalities, organizing exchange of experiences among the local governments and provide advisor and auditor training, additional implementation tools etc.
The national names of the eea and the national organizational structures vary between countries.
Local level
Local governments - cities, municipalities and regional conglomerations of municipalities (agglomerations, districts etc.) - are the key players of the European Energy Award. When starting the eea process, local governments form local 'Energy & climate teams', which are responsible for implementing the eea process and energy and climate policy activities.
The local energy & climate teams are supported by eea advisors - specially qualified energy and climate consultants trained and accredited by national eea organisations. They provide technical and organisational support to the local governments throughout the eea process.