The 'Klimapakt' - programme
Contact: Climapact
Luxembourg targets a 50 -55% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in comparison to 2005. The Luxembourg government is aware that, to achieve this goal, it needs strong local partners like the local governments and it has therefore decided to develop an offer – the so-called climate pact – for local governments, which are expected to take a leading role in the fight against climate change in return for national support.
Following this decision, Klima-Agence, the national structure for information and advice on energy efficiency and renewable energies, was mandated by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Delvelopment to develop a concept for the climate pact. In search of an adequate instrument, the European Energy Award quickly came into focus. Its holistic approach in terms of themes and targets, its quality management process and its tools, including the assessment tool, make it a perfect instrument for guiding the local governments in their climate protection efforts.