Programme: Horizon 2020
Project name: EXCITE - Award Excellence, Invest in Trust: Tailored Energy Management Services for East European Local Authorities
Project duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
Partners: 9 partners from 8 European countries, lead partner: Center for Energy Efficiency (EnEffect) (Bulgaria)
Project budget: 1.390.830,00 €
Project website: www.excite-project.eu
The main goal of the EXCITE project is to introduce the European Energy Award (eea) in Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Slovenia (at least in 3 pilot municipalities per country) as well as in additional Ukrainian and Romanian municipalities. In total, at least 15 pilot municipalities in Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine shall be supported through the EXCITE project.
The project aims to support and improve municipal energy and climate management, to stimulate the implementation of local energy and climate plans, to attract private investors, promote public entrepreneurship and to successfully leverage the scarce public resources.
In addition to implementing the eea methodology, greater involvement of citizens in the implementation of climate protection measures is crucial. Therefore, relevant training opportunities for communal energy managers as well as tailored financial models for local climate protection measures will be developed and implemented.
Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect
Contact person: Dragomir Tzanev
Phone: +359 2 963 17 14
Email: dtzanev (@) eneffect.bg